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Holiday Homes for Sale


Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 9LX
From £21.00 per night, £24.00 - £31.00 w/Electric
75 Pitches

Langcliffe Park offers a wide variety of new and pre-owned holiday homes for sale to suit all needs and every budget.

Set within breathtaking scenery with first class facilities, all our holiday homes are privately owned. Each pitch is serviced with mains water, drainage, and bottled gas. Enjoy the changing seasons of the countryside, as the park is open from 1st March - Mid January. Imagine owning your own holiday home and having the freedom to take off to unwind and relax in the peaceful surroundings of the Yorkshire Dales whenever the moment takes you. 1 mile from all the amenities of Settle itself, ideal for those who enjoy the outdoors, there's plenty of walks and cycle routes directly accessible from the park.

Disabled access Disabled Access
Pets welcome Pets Welcome
Wifi Wifi