Operating since 1964, we are the longest established parachute training centres in the UK.
Affiliated to the British Parachute Association, we offer facilities and training for both first time jumpers and experienced skydivers Whether you're raising money for charity, fulfilling a long-held ambition or determined to succeed in a new sport, our UK Drop Zone has the experience to support you and the attitude to help you achieve new heights.
Located 10 minutes from J33 of the M6 in the Lancashire village of Cockerham, we're the most accessible North West Parachute Centre and Skydiving Drop Zone.
Tailored exclusively towards couples, Virginia Cottage offers bed and breakfast, and a warm and t...
We want the experience of buying a holiday home to be as easy as possible. Regent has expert advi...
An atmospheric house built circa 1900, in the traditional Lakeland style, 4 Star rated with a cov...