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Harbour Road, Watchet, Somerset, TA23 0AQ

Displays of flatner boats, plus nets and other items associated with their use, maps, knotwork and boards showing the various uses of withy.

Activities include a small rope making machine for making skipping-ropes, plus block and tackle where even the smallest child can lift more than expected!

Play boat complete with Pirate hats for kids to enjoy!

Open from Tuesday - Saturday, 10am - 3pm from April to September

Thursday - Saturday 10am - 3pm October to March

We are open during School holidays.

Contact Us

I loved it, take the kids - its fun.
Lots of interaction things to do, kids will love it, I loved it and I am not a kid! dog friendly as well. Lots of maps and charts to look at, great place, no hard sell on the souvenirs either...


To be honest, neither my wife or myself expected very much when we visited the Watchet Boat Museum. After all, it doesn't look very big from the outside, and we thought that a few minutes would be enough to see everything. How wrong we were....