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10 Main Road, Drayton Parslow, Buckinghamshire, MK17 0JS
Single from £40.00, Double from £85.00 per room, per night
9 Rooms

Located just 8 miles from Milton Keynes, ideal location for Silverstone, we offer superb bed and breakfast accommodation, whether your stay is of a business nature or purely for relaxation and leisure.

We are passionate about providing you with the right bedroom with individual character and charm that cannot be found in the standard chain based overnight stops. Traditional full English breakfast served to set you up for the day.

Meals available throughout the day so, if you're looking for fresh cooked food, then you'll love dining with us. A good meal is born out of the ingredients used (from the local butchers in the next village). Out of this our speciality the Tall, Dark and Handsome starter was born! Free Wi-Fi.

No smoking No Smoking
Pets welcome Pets Welcome
Wifi Wifi