Set in beautiful parkland in the heart of Scotland's capital city, a mere one and a half miles from the bustle of Princes Street. The 18-hole course is a testing par 70 of 6207 yards whose two par 5s are very long but its par 3 is quite short by today's standards. The character lies in the amount of long testing par 4's that can vary greatly depending on wind direction and strength. Prestonfield's reputation of being a challenging but fair course has made it a popular venue for a number of competitions including the prestigious Lothians Match Play Championship on six occasions. Open from dawn 'til dusk. Visitors welcome. Prestonfield has excellent club house facilities and bar, full catering facilities for societies, outings, company days etc. We have an excellent reputation for our Clubgolf programme and through this we have a coached well over 100 boys and girls, with most taking up our very reasonable membership offer.
Just a few minutes walk from the bustling High Street, 3 Lorne Lane is a beautifully furnished...
The George and Abbotsford Hotel is now family owned and run by the resident proprietors.
The Hotel Awards Scotland 2019 Breakfast Award, Bed and Breakfast Finalist.
Tantallon Place ...