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Guest House


25 London Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7RE
Single £75.00 - £85.00, Double £80.00 - £95.00, Family £115 - £145 per room
8 En-suite

The Dial House built in a Tudor style, with ample parking and eight spacious en-suite rooms that have access to Internet, and furnished individually in a style appropriate for the setting.

Most rooms benefit from a view over a large garden.

It is located within an easy walking distance to Colleges, and a 7 minutes walk to hospitals and Ox' Brooks University. Frequent bus service to City Centre from doorstep of the House. A coach stop to London, or airports, is within 5 minutes walking distance from the House, and coach service to London is every 10 minutes, and it takes about an hour to reach Marble Arch in London.

Wi-Fi for guest with own laptops.

No smoking No Smoking
No pets No pets
Wifi Wifi