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Norwich Road, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 0DS

Norfolk Motorcycle Museum will give you an insight into the history of the motorcycle industry. Pre-war motorbikes are a rare sight considering the numbers that were produced in the 20's and 30's. One of the main reasons for their rarity was the wartime demand for metals. To help towards the war effort motorcycles from scrap yards and those not in use were given, along with pots and pans, railings and the like, to be recycled for the production of armaments. Some of course did survive to become collectors items. There are probably a few hidden in sheds, outbuildings and barns yet to be discovered. The Norfolk Motorcycle Museum has an ongoing policy of restoration and repair, and an ever watchful eye for interesting new additions to the collection. The Museum welcomes donations of machines, memorabilia and any other support, all of which will be fully appreciated and acknowledged.