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Museums & Galleries


99-103 Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2PG

A fascinating look at the social history, crafts, trades and industries of the City and County of Gloucester from 16th century maces to 'groovy gadgets' of the 20th century! There's a regular programme of exhibitions and wide range of schools workshops, special events, holiday activities and various demonstrations. A registered museum, and quality assured visitor attraction won a MGM award for audience development. Located over three floors in some of Gloucesters oldest existing timber-framed buildings (a Tudor merchant's house and 17th century town house, where recent developments include a NOF-funded project for the digitisation of collections and 'The Portal' interactive gallery. Additions to the museum include a diary, an ironmonger's shop, wheelwright and carpenter workshops, whilst the garden has a relaxing water feature for hot summer days. Free Admission.