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Bath House Road, Cardigan, SA43 1JY

Set in the heart of West Wales, Theatr Mwldan has so much to offer you! Magical cinema experiences.

Breathtaking live performances and something for everyone. With superb facilities for cinema, you can watch the latest releases and the very best of world cinema. Choose from a range of excellent live shows plus there's a visual arts gallery and bar! Having recently undergone a £7 million re-development project, Theatr Mwldan now boasts two excellent auditoria, both presenting live performance and cinema, and offering comfortable seating, big screens and Dolby Digital sound.

Other new facilities include a studio space, a great new foyer including a bar plus Box Office and Gallery.

Over the course of a year, we present around 100 live performances, 1,700 cinema screenings and we have more than 100,000 admissions!