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Museums & Galleries


Castlegate, Jedburgh, TD8 6QD Senior Museums Curator: Mrs. Fiona M. Colton

Open: End March to October 31st. Mon to Sat from 10.00am-4.30pm Sunday 1.00pm-4.00pm. Admission Free. Last admission 30 mins before closing.

Tour groups welcome. One of the last remaining examples of a Howard Reform Prison dating from 1824. One of the last remaining examples of a Howard Reform Prison dating from 1824. Following an extensive refurbishment programme, two prison cell blocks provide new interpretation on crime and punishment. Individual cells recreate the daily life of the prison, its staff and inmates using costumed figures, replica prison furniture, original archives and prison issue objects.

The Gaoler's House now features local history exhibitions. As seen on the television programme "Most Haunted".

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