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Castles & Historic Monuments


MacLeod Estate (Dunvegan Castle), Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, IV55 8WF

Sir Reginald MacLeod, the 27th Chief of the MacLeods, took a groundbreaking step in 1933 when he opened the doors of Dunvegan Castle to the public for the very first time. This decision, made for charitable purposes, allowed visitors to explore the castle two days a week. Since that historic moment, the number of guests has surged from a modest few hundred to an incredible hundreds of thousands each year.

Despite the large crowds that now fill the castle, which was originally designed to keep intruders at bay, we remain dedicated to preserving the warm and inviting atmosphere of a family home. Our aim is to share the rich history and passion behind Dunvegan's remarkable collection with you, ensuring that each visitor can appreciate the unique story of this cherished landmark.

No smoking No Smoking