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Activity Centre / Parachuting & Sky Diving


Hibaldstow Airfield, Hibaldstow, North Lincolnshire, DN20 9NN

Skydive Hibaldstow in Lincolnshire, close to Leeds and Sheffield runs Tandem Skydiving, Accelerated Freefall (AFF) and Static Line Parachuting flying to 15,000 feet, the highest jump altitude in the UK.

Tandem skydiving is the easiest course on offer. You will be harnessed to the instructor with a dual harness a large parachute. After 20-minutes instruction you will be ready for your jump.

Accelerated Freefall can be taken as a level 1 only or the full 8 level course, which teaches you to skydive for yourself. It is intense, fast-paced and addictive.

Last but not least, static line parachuting is the easy way to jump with your parachute opening automatically.